Saved: Powerful Prayers and Affirmations

How are you setting the stage for the day? What rituals are you performing? What are you attracting as you enter the world?

These are questions you should ask your self each day.

This year I have spent more time working on me. I am still shabby in some areas, but overall I am seeing progress.

I’m focused on being more intentional about my life and not just going with the flow.

My day starts at 5am  with the following rituals meditation, prayer, and affirmations. Being consistent with these rituals, I noticed changes just shy of a few weeks of me starting them.

I’m at peace and content with who I am. Focused on my future and.intentional about who and what I’m attracting into my life.

Most importantly my mindset has changed. Below I share with you scriptures, prayers and affirmations.

Leave a comment below to tell me about your rituals. Peace. Love. Blessings.


Heavenly father help me to see as you see and do as you say.

Heavenly father complete the work you begun in me.

I pray that God releases his angels all around me and my family. That his send his angels to provide, protect, and be with us as we leave our home each day.


I walk by faith, and not by sight.

He will go before me and level the mountain, he will break down the gates of bronze.

Have I not commanded you do not be afraid or discouraged I will be with you where ever you go.

For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you.

Love is the greatest commandment of them all.


I am a money magnet money flows to me easily each and every day.

I am an irresistible magnet for all that belongs to you by divine right.

I am happy with myself.

I am at peace and content with where I am in my life.

I love myself and kids.

I love helping people and empowering them to live their best.

God loves prospering me everyday.

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